Best Flies For The River Don (Sheffield & South Yorkshire)

3:38 pm

The story of the river Don is a remarkable one, once devoid of life due to pollution, this river is now teaming with fish. The River Don is most noted by fly anglers for its population of Grayling although there are also Trout as well as coarse species.

The river Don is controlled by a number of different angling clubs and provides excellent fly fishing opportunities. The River Don flows for around 70 miles from it’s source in the Pennines before it empties in to the River Ouse at Goole.

Flies for the river Don are based around Olives, Caddis & Terrestrials although with the large Grayling population fishing with Czech Nymphs are a very successful method as the Grayling can stay deep even when a hatch finds its way on to the surface. Our flies for the River Don are selected by Pro UK fly fishing guides and are dispatched same day if ordered before midday.

You can order your flies for the River Don directly on this page (below) or please click here to go to the main fly shop.


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