The Joy Of Small Stream Fishing

10:30 am

As a child I was fascinated with the local stream which ran under a bridge at the bottom of the school field. Hours were spent dangling over the bridge looking for a glimpse of the occasional trout that made it’s home in the depressions in the stream bed.

Once sighted every boy in the village would try a variety of methods to ensnare it. This included bent pins baited with elderberries, earthworms tied on strings and various other concoctions and gizmos. Of course the Trout was never caught and was quickly spooked under the bridge not to be seen again for weeks.

small stream fly fishing
At first, this tiny stream looks devoid of life

This story is familiar to many anglers, maybe this is how obsession took hold.  For some of us, a return to these roots with fly rod in hand represents the pinnacle of our angling lives. Rods are short, probably no more than six feet. Casting (if you can call it that) is almost impossible and our tiny flies are lost by the dozen.

But a closer look reveals a wild brown trout. The stream is just 3 feet wide.

These wild fish are very spooky in just a few inches of water and to catch one, is surely one of the greatest tresures in fly fishing.

Ideas for tackle and flies;

Flies – probably no bigger than size 16 and more likley 18’s & 20’s. Black Knats, Griffiths Knat, Black Spider, Diawl Back, Sawyers Pheasant Tail

Rods- 6 foot 2 weight. Short tapered leader down to 1 or 2 lb breaking strain tippet.

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