The Olives Are Coming

2:37 pm

large dark olive
Large Dark Olive Dun

With the river fly fishing season only a few weeks away, it’s time to think about the first major hatches of the year. The Large Dark Olive is one of our most abundant up-wing flies and is present on most rivers and streams in the UK.

Luckily for us fly fishers, it is present is sufficient numbers that fish are used to the fly and will take enthusiastically both a nymph and a dry. Although sporadic hatches of the fly can occur all year round March should see the first major hatches and rises.

Large Dark Olive Nymph
Large Dark Olive Nymph

Be sure also to have some nymph imitations too as trout will hoover up nymphs as they are ascending to hatch.

On the still waters, with the current cool weather, fish are likely to be sulking near the bottom waiting for the warmer water of spring to increase their metabolisms. Sinking lines are most likely required with natural patterns such as the bloodworm or shrimps being the food source. Alternatively, bright blobs and boobies fished on short leaders will make good attractor patterns if fished down near the lake bed.

Tight lines for the new season!


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