Looking at the forecast for the country this week we should all be getting a spell of settled warmer weather.
This extra warmth and settled air pressure should be enough to bring the fish on and I am hopeful we will be getting some decent fishing over the next week or two.
On the rivers the grannom caddis hatch should be getting underway however this can be quite localised, the large dark olive will still be hatching nationwide providing some good surface fishing.
On still water, this warmer weather may bring out some pond olives which always bring a few fish to the surface. The nymph is well worth imitating here pulled just beneath the surface as trout often take the ascending nymph just before it hatches.
Every season I always set myself a target to try different things and experiment a little, it’s important to me that my fishing never becomes stale. This year the challenge is to catch more coarse fish on the fly. By accident I caught lots of good roach last year on the dry fly whilst fishing a dry for trout late in to the evening but this year I intend to target coarse fish more often.
The secret here is to find coarse fisheries that are not heavily fished for with bait. This is surprisingly easy as the are lots of old ponds, canals and rivers long abandoned by coarse fisherman in favour of easily accessed commercial fisheries. Here, the coarse fish will feed on a similar diet to trout with caddis, midges, shrimps and up-wing flies featuring on the menu.
I have been building up a good collection of flies for coarse fish and will be adding these to the shop over the coming months if anyone else fancies a dabble – keep a look out.
I hope you all get out to wet a line in this spell of lovely spring weather – tight lines!