6 Casting Tips For Good Presentation

12:32 pm

In order to deceive the fish in to thinking your piece of feather and fur is a real  food, it’s important that you present your fly well. This starts with a good cast.

1> On your back cast, stop the rod abruptly either vertically or a fraction behind vertical

2> When in the stop position on your back cast, pause long enough for the length of line you are casting to straighten out completely behind you. Whilst you are pausing – keep the rod still!

3> When moving the rod in the cast, apply the power smoothly, a casting stroke should be a smooth acceleration to a sudden stop.

4> On your forward cast stop your rod abruptly nice and high. This will form a tight loop of line and turnover the fly at the end of your cast.

5> Don’t try and cast too far. Quality is better than quantity and your leader should be landing in a nice straight line.

6> Fix the wrist. Many casting faults are caused by the wrist being used to move the rod. If you suspect this is happening, strap the wrist to the butt of the rod using a velcro strap.

Peaks Fly Fishing provides fly fishing tuition, lessons and courses in and around the Derbyshire Peak District. We are close to Derby, Nottingham, Leeds, York and only two and a half hours from London.

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