Angling Trust Takes Government To Court

8:42 am

Court action by the Angling Trust shows how important it is to have a body that represents all angling.

News update from angling trust:

imgresThe Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK are in the High Court today fighting a judicial review of the government’s failure to stop agricultural pollution degrading 44 rivers, lakes and estuaries which are specially protected areas in England.

We believe that the government was required by the EU’s Water Framework Directive to stop this ongoing pollution in these sites by 2015. They haven’t done this and so we’re taking them to court.

You can read our Chief Executive Mark Lloyd’s blog about the case HERE

We have been working on this case for the past six months and it’s a key part of our Save Our Salmon campaign, but if we win it will benefit all species of fish in our precious rivers and estuaries.

If you’d like to add your support with a donation, please click HERE

We will be holding a fundraising event for the campaign early next year, and we need auction lots to sell at the event. Please contact us if you can donate a few days’ fishing or anything else appropriate!

As a result of our pressure, the government is holding a Salmon Summit today and Mark Lloyd will be giving a presentation at the summit setting out what needs to be done to restore salmon stocks. We’ll update all our members in due course with a progress report.

Please encourage everyone you know to join up as a member of the Angling Trust and Fish Legal. We need more support if we are to take on huge battles like this, and win.

Thank you very much for your support, as ever.

Need assistance? Our Pro-Guides are available in-store or online in Sheffield!