The Derbyshire Derwent is 66 miles in length and is the longest river in the Peak District. From it’s source near Bleaklow it flows south before joining the River Trent south of Derby. The river has a more varied populations of fish that the Derbyshire Wye, the slower, silty sections in the southerly reaches provide ideal habitat for coarse fish whilst it faster running water in the northern half provide excellent opportunities for fly fishing. North of Darley Dale the river is almost exclusively Trout & Grayling fishing with fly fishing being by far the most common method. In terms of flies for the Derbyshire Derwent, there is often an excellent Grannom hatch early in the year with Large Dark Olives featuring heavily through Spring. Early June see’s the Mayflies trickling off and there are lots of Caddis flies and Terrestrials too.
The river has some deep fast runs which are excellent nymphing water and whilst dry flies can also work very well, the fish are probably not quite as free rising as other rivers in the Peak District such as the Derbyshire Wye. Prospecting with Czech nymphs can be very successful when no fish are to be seen rising. The Derbyshire Derwent has many different clubs which run the fishing through it’s length and membership costs can be anything from lesson that one hundred pounds to over one thousand depending on the type of fishing and facilities you are looking for. We have selected some tried and tested flies for the Derbyshire Derwent below. You can buy the flies for the Derwent direct from this page or visit the Derbyshire Derwent Page on our fly shop.