Early Season Flies For River & Still Water

12:55 pm

The large dark olive
The large dark olive

It’s cold and frosty outside but the wild garlic will be starting to push up through the river bank in no time at all.

We are busy preparing for this year’s fly fishing lessons in the Peak District. Checking tackle and stocking fly boxes ready for the off.

Through March on the river we can expect the first few decent hatches of Large dark Olives whilst on the still water midges are likely to me the main hatch. On stocked still waters of course fish will respond to bright lures and streamers.

Here’s a a few of the flies we will be using through the first few weeks of the season.

Still water:

Bloodworm Buzzer
Shuttlecock Black
Orange Fritz Leadhead


Czech Tan Bug
Pheasant Tail Klinkhammer
March Brown Nymph


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